Colonial Science and Empires: Approaches from the Early Modern Spanish-Iberian and East Asia Worlds
Colonial Science and Empires: Approaches from the Early Modern Spanish-Iberian and East Asia Worlds On 4th of December, José María Moreno Madrid will answer the question "Why on Earth calculate longitude in the Early Modern period?" at the workshop "Colonial…
Representações, imaginário e experiências atlánticas. Séculos V-XVI
Representações, imaginário e experiências atlánticas. Séculos V-XVI On 24th of November, Joana Lima will present "Voando por cima das águas: um mapa imaginário do Oceano Atlântico no teatro português quinhentista" at the seminar "Representações, imaginário e experiências atlánticas. Séculos V-XVI"…
History of Knowledge Conference
History of Knowledge Conference On 24th of November, Henrique Leitão will give the Keynote Speaker talk "Global lines, mathematical cosmography and the emergence of a global Earth". Other RUTTER contributions are: Antonio Sánchez (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) - "Thinking…
On oceanic routes: “the seas” of Asia
III Simpósio Internacional de História do Oriente - On oceanic routes: "the seas" of Asia The RUTTER team will present: Opening lecture of José Manuel Malhão Pereira “Pedro Fernandes Queirós e a descoberta do Pacífico (séc. XVI-XVII)” Nuno Vila-Santa / Luana…
Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023
Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023
Invited talks for the Embassy of Spain in Serbia
Invited talks for the Embassy of Spain in Serbia