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From Allies to Rivals: Portuguese Maritime Espionage in England, 1551–1559
From Allies to Rivals: Portuguese Maritime Espionage in England, 1551–1559 The English Historical Review Nuno Vila-Santa "From Allies to Rivals: Portuguese Maritime Espionage in England, 1551–1559" Using an unstudied set of diplomatic instructions given by the Portuguese kings to their ambassadors, spies and agents sent to Tudor England between 1553 and 1559, this article seeks…
Nuno Castel-Branco
RUTTER seminar “Focused Interdisciplinarity: The Liberal Arts and the Making of Nicolaus Steno’s Anatomy, Geology, and Theology" Nuno Castel-Branco "Focused Interdisciplinarity: The Liberal Arts and the Making of Nicolaus Steno’s Anatomy, Geology, and Theology" This talk explores the concept of "focused interdisciplinarity" through the life and work of Nicolaus Steno (1638–1686), a seventeenth-century anatomist whose…
Five Centuries of Maritime Culture and Artisanal Epistemology
Five Centuries of Maritime Culture and Artisanal Epistemology Asclepio Antonio Sánchez, Henrique Leitão, José María Moreno Madrid "Dosier: Cinco siglos de cultura marítima y epistemología artesanal" This dossier includes four papers authored by members of the Rutter team, contributing to the exploration of maritime traditions and the epistemological frameworks of artisanal knowledge across five centuries.…
Nuno Vila-Santa
Nuno Vila-Santa's book "Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe" won the Admiral Teixeira da Mota Prize 2024 from the Portuguese Navy Academy. Nuno Vila-Santa Last great achievement of the RUTTER project in 2024: Nuno Vila-Santa's book "Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe" won the Admiral Teixeira da Mota Prize 2024 from the Portuguese Navy…
Review of “Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th–17th Centuries)”
Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th–17th Centuries) By Richard Dunn Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th–17th Centuries) Read Richard Dunn's full review of the book "Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe:…
Early Modern Knowledge 4
Early Modern Knowledge 4 Fourth edition of the workshop "Early Modern Knowledge", organized by Luís Ribeiro and Francisco Malta Romeiras with researchers focused on early modern knowledge. RUTTER members integrate the panel of speakers. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, C2, room 2.2.12 16 December 2024 · 09h30-17h00
An unknown history of Portugal (c 1570) in William Cecil’s library: commissioning and writing history during the Elizabethan era
An unknown history of Portugal (c 1570) in William Cecil’s library: commissioning and writing history during the Elizabethan era The Antiquaries Journal Nuno Vila-Santa "An unknown history of Portugal (c 1570) in William Cecil’s library: commissioning and writing history during the Elizabethan era" The Society of Antiquaries of London holds, under ms 86, an unconventional…
CIÊNCIAS Research & Innovation day 2024
CIÊNCIAS Research & Innovation day 2024 22 October was the CIÊNCIAS Research & Innovation Day 2024. The RUTTER project was represented with two posters and a talk titled "Time, the stuff of history" by Henrique Leitão. Amazing to see how much history of science was present in the talks of many speakers! Photos available…
Joaquim Alves Gaspar at Alexandria (RTP)
Joaquim Alves Gaspar at Alexandria (RTP) Joaquim Alves Gaspar invited guest in the 3rd episode of "Alexandria", an RTP program, to talk about nautical cartography (in Portuguese).
XVIII Seminario Internacional “La Corte en Europa”
Aliados en Europa y rivales en el Globo? Diplomacia y espionaje marítimo entre Portugal y España en la época de Luís de Camões XVIII Seminario Internacional “La Corte en Europa” Nuno Vila-Santa (UAB - RUTTER project) will present “Aliados en Europa y rivales en el Globo? Diplomacia y espionaje marítimo entre Portugal y España…
Camões: No Poet Is an Island
Henrique Leitão presented “Honest study” versus “long experience”: knowledge and nature in Camões Symposium “Camões: No Poet Is an Island” Henrique Leitão was invited to present the talk “Honest study” versus “long experience”: knowledge and nature in Camões at the Symposium “Camões: No Poet Is an Island” at the Hispanic Society Museum & Library. 1…
Rayas. Global lines, mathematical frontiers
Rayas. Global lines, mathematical frontiers Rayas. Global lines, mathematical frontiers On the occasion of the anniversary of the “Juntas de Badajoz-Elvas”, this workshop aims to reflect on the novel partitions of power and notions of space that the Iberian kingdoms adopted in the early modern period. More specifically, to discuss how such novel partitions…
Cornelis Schilt
RUTTER seminar “VERITRACE: Data-driven humanities" Cornelis Schilt "VERITRACE: Data-driven humanities". This talk presented the ERC project "VERITRACE - Traces de la Verité. The reappropriation of ancient wisdom in early modern natural philosophy". VERITRACE addresses the influence of ancient wisdom writings on the development of early modern natural philosophy. During the Renaissance, works such as the…
11th European Society for the History of Science Conference
Inês Bénard participated in the 11th European Society for the History of Science conference. 4-7 September 2024, Barcelona (Spain) 11th European Society for the History of Science conference RUTTER member Inês Bénard participated in the 11th European Society for the History of Science conference and presented the talk "Travelling Through the Seasons: Sea Voyages in…
José Maria Moreno Madrid’s doctoral defense
José Maria Moreno Madrid has successfully completed his PhD and defended his doctoral thesis. José Maria Moreno Madrid's doctoral defense The RUTTER team is thrilled to announce that José Maria Moreno Madrid has successfully completed his PhD and defended his doctoral thesis! Congratulations for this incredible journey of hard work, dedication, and friendship.
Jornadas de Pós-graduação do Departamento de História e Filosofia da Ciência
Jornadas de Pós-graduação do Departamento de História e Filosofia da Ciência July 18, 2024, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Jornadas de Pós-graduação do Departamento de História e Filosofia da Ciência Inês Bénard "Práticas ibéricas e do Oceano Índico em contacto: uma dissertação em curso" 18th July 2024, Faculdade de Ciências da…
International Committee for the History of Technology 2024 conference
Carmo Lacerda participated in the 2024 conference of the International Committee for the History of Technology. 9-14 July 2024, online International Committee for the History of Technology 2024 conference RUTTER member Carmo Lacerda took part in the International Committee for the History of Technology 2024 annual meeting to present the paper "Who’s Guiding the Ship?…
Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies conference
Luana Giurgevich, Nuno Vila-Santa and Nuno Castel-Branco will participate to the 2024 conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies. 8-12 July 2024, Lisbon, Portugal Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies conference RUTTER members will participate to the 2024 conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Luana Giurgevich “‘How–to–Navigate’…
Conferência CIUHCT
David Salomoni presents “The Teaching of Mathematics in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Between Religion, Politics, and New Scientific Paradigms”. Online, 5 July 2024 Conferência CIUHCT Next Conferência CIUHCT will be with RUTTER member David Salomoni and will be about "The Teaching of Mathematics in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Between Religion, Politics, and New…
The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts 2024
The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts 2024 A meeting on the science in the works of Luís Vaz de Camões where Joana Lima de Oliveira will talk about Os Lusíadas and presented by Henrique Leitão. June 28 | 19:30 RUTTER TRAINING SCHOOL The long life of manuscripts: from material to…
Book launch “Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th-17th centuries)”
Book launch "Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th-17th centuries)", Academia de Marinha, Lisbon, Portugal Book Launch "Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th-17th centuries)" The RUTTER project is pleased to announce the…
À volta de Camões. Quando a Literatura e a Natureza se encontram
À volta de Camões. Quando a Literatura e a Natureza se encontram A meeting on the science in the works of Luís Vaz de Camões where Joana Lima de Oliveira will talk about Os Lusíadas and presented by Henrique Leitão. June 28 | 19:30 Sala da Bica, SCML, Convento de São Pedro de Alcântara,…
Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos 2024
Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos 2024 Inês Bénard presents "Dois Pilotos, Dois Autores: Navegação no Índico nas Fontes Portuguesas e Árabes (séculos XV-XVI)" at the Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos 2024. The Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos takes place within the context of the Research Line on Islamic Heritage and Spirituality in the Religious…
Early Modern Knowledge, Words and Practices
Early Modern Knowledge, Words and Practices Henrique Leitão presented the short film "Early Modern Knowledge, Words and Practices" that showcased part of the work developed in the context of the ERC projects RUTTER and Medea-Chart at the Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia. Also present at the project launch was Prof. Luís…
Lo vento fai lo caminho – stage reading
Lo vento fai lo caminho On June 15, 2024, a staged reading took place at the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. This event, a collaboration between the RUTTER project and TUT - Teatro Académico da ULisboa, brought to life a series of texts about navigation. More info here. Photos of the event can be found…
Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe
Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe Just published: Nuno Vila-Santa "Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe - Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th-17th Centuries)". Amsterdam University Press, 2024, 372 pp. ISBN: 9789048560479 Download the book here.
Scientiae 2024
José Maria Moreno Madrid presents “Pilots always win. Tales of artisanal assertion in the Early Modern period” at the Scientiae 2024 Brussels, 11-14 June Scientiae 2024 José Maria Moreno Madrid presents “Pilots always win. Tales of artisanal assertion in the Early Modern period” at the Scientiae 2024 conference Brussels, 11-14 June Scientiae 2024: Brussels |…
International Symposium on Jesuit Studies – Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History
Luís Ribeiro and David Salomoni speakers at the conference “INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON JESUIT STUDIES - Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History". 11-13 June 2024, Boston College International Symposium on Jesuit Studies - Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History Luís Ribeiro and David Salomoni speakers at the conference “INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON JESUIT…
Juan Acevedo
Juan Acevedo was selected for one of the annual Bourse de recherche scientifique (BIC) awarded by the Instituto Francês de Portugal and the Embassy of France in Portugal. Juan Acevedo Juan Acevedo was selected for one of the annual Bourse de recherche scientifique (BIC) awarded by the Instituto Francês de Portugal and the Embassy…
Navigating the Transcultural Indian Ocean: Texts and Practices in Contact
Navigating the Transcultural Indian Ocean: Texts and Practices in Contact Navigating the Transcultural Indian Ocean: Texts and Practices in Contact This workshop is taking place online via Zoom, on the afternoons of Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 June 2024. Click here to see the poster with schedule, and click here to see the full programme…
Venue: Faculty of Science of the Universidade de Lisboa. Date: July 19, 2024, 12:00-14:00 The "Beyond RUTTER" workshop is an event designed to shape the direction of the RUTTER project in its final year. This workshop aims to gather project team members and international experts in the research areas of interest to review progress, identify…
Eric Staples
RUTTER seminar “Experimenting with the Past: Adventures in Maritime Archeology around the Indian Ocean" Eric Staples "Experimenting with the Past: Adventures in Maritime Archeology around the Indian Ocean". This talk will give an insider's perspective, reflections and prospects on decades of projects crossing maritime archeology and history, including the know-how of a life-long sailing experience…
Luis Robles
RUTTER seminar “Juan Vespucci (1487 – ca. 1527) A Cosmographer, Seaman and Merchant at the Heart of Spanish Charting of the New World" Luis Robles Luis Robles Presents "Juan Vespucci (1487 – ca. 1527) A Cosmographer, Seaman and Merchant at the Heart of Spanish Charting of the New World". Juan Vespucci (1487–c.1527), a lesser-known figure compared to…
Circle and Grid. History, Science and Design
Juan Acevedo and Inês Bénard speakers at the conference “Circle and Grid. History, Science and Design”. 27 May 2024, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal Circle and Grid. History, Science and Design Inês Bénard da Costa and Juan Acevedo will present “The Gulbenkian Tuḥfat al-Khāqān Manuscript: Lights and Shadows of a Mysterious Immigrant” This conference is held in…
The Power of the Planets: The Social History of Astral Sciences Between East and West
Luís Ribeiro and Inês Bénard speakers at the conference "The Power of the Planets: The Social History of Astral Sciences Between East and West". 20-21 May 2024, Università di Bologna, Ravenna, Italy The Power of the Planets: The Social History of Astral Sciences Between East and West Luís Ribeiro and Inês Bénard speakers at the…
A Cartografia de Magalhães 2ª edição
A Cartografia de Magalhães 2ª edição Lançamento da segunda edição do livro "A Cartografia de Magalhães" de Joaquim Alves Gaspar e Šima Krtalić, apresentação do Henrique Leitão. 15 maio, 18:00h, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisboa
Medieval and Early Modern Science Seminar
Medieval and Early Modern Science Seminar Henrique Leitão speaker at the map session at the Bodleian Library and at the All Souls College Seminar in Medieval and Early Modern Science with the presentation "Global Lines and Nautical Cartography in the Iberian Oceanic Expansion". 8-9 May 2024, Oxford, UK
A Cartografia de Magalhães
A Cartografia de Magalhães Sessão cultural a realizar no Centro Cultural Fernão Mendes Pinto (Almada), em 7 de Maio próximo, às 18.00, durante a qual Joaquim Alves Gaspar e Sima Krtalic apresentarão o livro "A Cartografia de Magalhães / The Cartography of Magellan" 7 Maio de 2024, Centro Cultural Fernão Mendes Pinto, Almada
Ciência e globalização no século XVI: O intercâmbio luso-espanhol e a sua importância
Ciência e globalização no século XVI: O intercâmbio luso-espanhol e a sua importância O objectivo deste workshop é juntar especialistas portugueses e espanhóis em história política, cultural, científica e marítima do século XVI que, num ambiente informal, irão debater a importância deste intercâmbio. Mais do que chamar atenção para este tópico, este Workshop pretende debater…
V Centenario Juntas Badajoz-Elvas
Henrique Leitão was invited speaker at the Encuentro MECyT - V Centenario Juntas Badajoz-Elvas. 24 April 2024, Catedral de Badajoz, Badajoz, Spain V Centenario Juntas Badajoz-Elvas Henrique Leitão was invited speaker at the Encuentro MECyT - V Centenario Juntas Badajoz-Elvas. 24 April 2024, Catedral de Badajoz, Badajoz, Spain
VII Stellium Conference
Luís Ribeiro presented "Mapas Astrológicos no Brasil Moderno: conjecturas e evidências" at the VII Stellium conference. 24-26 April 2024, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Brazil Mapas Astrológicos no Brasil Moderno: conjecturas e evidências Luís Ribeiro presented "Mapas Astrológicos no Brasil Moderno: conjecturas e evidências" and gave a few workshops at the VII Stellium conference…
III Simpósio Internacional de História do Oriente
III Simpósio Internacional de História do Oriente Now available the recorded presentations of the RUTTER team's at the III International Symposium on the History of the Orient under the theme "From Ocean Routes: the "Seas" of Asia," which took place on November 21, 22, and 23, 2023, at the "Contra/almirante Rogério d'Oliveira" Auditorium of the…
O Livro de Francisco Rodrigues – Digital Edition
O Livro de Francisco Rodrigues - Digital Edition The digital editions of the "O Livro de Francisco Rodrigues" is now available on our digital library. Download
British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference 2024
Carmo Lacerda presented "A Matter of Cheating? Oceanic Pilot's Perspective on Learning" at the British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference 2024 - Global History of Science, Technology and Medicine 19-20 April 2024, University of Warwick, UK A matter of cheating? Oceanic pilot's perspective on learning The annual BSHS Postgraduate Conference is run…
Isabel Soler awarded the Prémio Eduardo Lourenço 2024
Isabel Soler awarded the Prémio Eduardo Lourenço 2024 Isabel Soler - Prémio Eduardo Lourenço 2024 Isabel Soler was awarded the “Prémio Eduardo Lourenço 2024” Prémio Eduardo Lourenço 2024 to the Spanish researcher Isabel Soler, Universidade de Barcelona, author of Derrota de Vasco da Gama: el primer viaje marítimo a la India and Magallanes…
One-Day Drop-By Wikimedia Edit-a-thon
One-Day Drop-By Wikimedia Edit-a-thon Um grupo de investigadores em diferentes fases da carreira, da licenciatura ao pós-doutoramento, irá reunir-se para melhorar os artigos da Wikipedia relacionados com a História e a Filosofia da Ciência e da Tecnologia, sobretudo em tópicos relacionados com Portugal e as ciências ibéricas. Para começar, trabalharemos com artigos em português, inglês…
História e navegação nas salas de aula
História e navegação nas salas de aula Este curso visa divulgar e promover uma visão historiográfica atualizada das navegações globais dos séculos XVI e XVII. Serão apresentados aos participantes vários temas relacionados com este período e com as navegações oferecendo novos dados resultantes de investigação do projeto RUTTER. Pretende-se com esta ação de formação promover…
David Salomoni awarded the Premio Marincovich XV edition
David Salomoni awarded the Premio Marincovich 2023 in the essay section David Salomoni - Premio Marincovich 2023 David Salomoni was awarded the “Premio Marincovich – Cultura del Mare” David Salomoni was awarded the second place of the XV edition of the “Premio Marincovich – Cultura del Mare”, in the essay section, with the book…
Rayas. Global lines, mathematical frontiers
Rayas. Global lines, mathematical frontiers On the occasion of the anniversary of the “Juntas de Badajoz-Elvas”, we propose a workshop to reflect on the novel partitions of power and notions of space that the Iberian kingdoms adopted in the early modern period. More specifically, we expect to discuss how such novel partitions of power and…
Seminário Ásia-Europa, 1500-1800: Literatura marítima do Índico: problemas, encontros, métodos
Seminário Ásia-Europa, 1500-1800: Literatura marítima do Índico: problemas, encontros, métodos "Seminário Ásia-Europa, 1500-1800: Literatura marítima do Índico: problemas, encontros, métodos" com Juan Acevedo e Inês Bénard da Costa. Este seminário representa uma colaboração institucional entre o Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) e o Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia (CIUHCT). Faculdade de…
Science & World Philologies: A Match Made in the Nine Heavens
Science & World Philologies: A Match Made in the Nine Heavens Juan Acevedo "Science & World Philologies: A Match Made in the Nine Heavens" This talk will elaborate on the relation between philology and theoretical and applied science. That is, we will consider a timeless critical approach to the world classics, through an exacting training…
A Global Earth in the Classroom
A Global Earth in the Classroom Just published: David Salomoni (Editor) "A Global Earth in the Classroom". Leiden, Brill Publishers, 2024, 158 pp. More info about the book here.
Marie Curie Alumni Association 2024 annual conference
Silvana Munzi presented "From the past to the future: how modern technologies aid the study of early-modern manuscripts" (S. Munzi, J. Acevedo, M. Cataldo, L. Giurgevich) at the 2024 annual conference of the Marie Curie Alumni Association. From the past to the future: how modern technologies aid the study of early-modern manuscripts "From the past…
The Word and the Sword – Early Modern Spanish Pacific Studies and its Challenges, Opportunities, and Outlook
David Salomoni will participate in the roundtable "Situating the Philippines in Early Modern Iberian Studies" at the workshop "The Word and the Sword - Early Modern Spanish Pacific Studies and its Challenges, Opportunities, and Outlook". Situating the Philippines in Early Modern Iberian Studies David Salomoni will participate in the roundtable "Situating the Philippines in Early…
O princípio da Primavera e o alinhamento dos planetas
O princípio da Primavera e o alinhamento dos planetas Inês Bénard "O princípio da Primavera e o alinhamento dos planetas" O equinócio da Primavera é recebido em todo o mundo com um conjunto de significados diversos, e teve implicações importantes na história da astronomia. Que implicações tiveram os movimentos dos astros nas áreas do conhecimento,…
Jan Huygen van Linschoten´s Itinerario: a decaying commercial portrait of Portuguese Asia?
Jan Huygen van Linschoten´s Itinerario: a decaying commercial portrait of Portuguese Asia? Just published: Nuno Vila-Santa, "Jan Huygen van Linschoten´s Itinerario: a decaying commercial portrait of Portuguese Asia?" in Espelhos de Mercúrio. A representação do comércio nas Monarquias Ibéricas, 1500-1800, edited by Pablo Sánchez León, Carla Vieira and Nina Vieira, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de…
RUTTER Technical note n.13
Inês Bénard & Juan Acevedo Conspectus of Works of Sulaymān al-Mahrī RUTTER Technical note n.13 Inês Bénard & Juan Acevedo Conspectus of Works of Sulaymān al-Mahrī Version 1 Download
Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe
Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe Coming soon the new book of Nuno Vila-Santa published by the Amsterdam University Press: Knowledge Exchanges Between Portugal and Europe Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th-17th Centuries) This book explores knowledge exchanges between European maritime powers during the fifteenth to seventeenth centuries, focusing…
Seminário de Física
A Longitude do Mundo. Ciência ibérica e demarcações globais na Idade Moderna José María Moreno Madrid "A Longitude do Mundo. Ciência ibérica e demarcações globais na Idade Moderna" Na restrita ecúmena ptolemaica, os limites territoriais entre entidades geográfico-políticas podiam ser traçados de maneira aproximada, recorrendo a estimativas de distâncias absolutas ou relativas. Várias unidades de…
CIUHCT Lectures 2024
Traditional Knowledge in Flux: the Challenges of Global Navigations on Forecasting Methods Luís Campos Ribeiro "Traditional Knowledge in Flux: the Challenges of Global Navigations on Forecasting Methods" From erudite cosmology to technical computations, the global navigation and the European settlement of new territories brought about a drastic change in traditional knowledge. With new realities and…
The borders of the world
The borders of the world On 4 February David Salomoni spoke at the Rome Auditorium about the many faces of Francis Drake, the queen's corsair bound to change the England's history forever, who circumnavigated the earth in the mid-sixteenth century to strike the Spanish empire. The lesson took place as part of the series of…
Navigating the Transcultural Indian Ocean: Texts and Practices in Contact
Navigating the Transcultural Indian Ocean: Texts and Practices in Contact This workshop is taking place online via Zoom, on the afternoons of Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 June 2024. Click here to see the poster with schedule, and click here to see the full programme with abstracts. To register and obtain the conference Zoom…
Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023
Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023 Henrique Leitão - Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023 Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023. The Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023 recognizes "Henrique Leitão's vast and notable work developed around maritime knowledge, resulting of an intense and brilliant academic, scientific and intellectual path…
Romeu Gaspar
Romeu Gaspar is joining the RUTTER team as a research team member. Romeu Gaspar Romeu Gaspar is joining the RUTTER team as a research team member.
Academiae Mathematicae Oropesani Collegii. La primera Academia jesuita de Matemáticas en España (ca.1610-1614)
Academiae Mathematicae Oropesani Collegii. La primera Academia jesuita de Matemáticas en España (ca.1610-1614) Espacio, Tiempo y Educación Henrique Leitão & José Maria Moreno Madrid "Academiae Mathematicae Oropesani Collegii La primera Academia jesuita de Matemáticas en España (ca.1610-1614)" The teaching of mathematics by the Society of Jesus in Spain was officially institutionalized in the Imperial College…
The Learning Labs of Sailing Ships – JSTOR Daily
The Learning Labs of Sailing Ships - JSTOR Daily The paper "All Aboard!: Science and Ship Culture in Sixteenth-Century Oceanic Voyages" of Henrique Leitão is the JSTOR Daily highlight of today. Early Science and Medicine, Vol. 21, No. 2/3, Special Issue: Revisiting Early Modern Iberian Science, from the Fifteenth to the Seventeenth Centuries (2016), pp.…
Líneas globales (rayas), debates cartográficos, y la construcción de una Tierra global
Líneas globales (rayas), debates cartográficos, y la construcción de una Tierra global Henrique Leitão will give the invited talk "Líneas globales (rayas), debates cartográficos, y la construcción de una Tierra global" at the Seminario de Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia, da Universidade de Sevilla. 11 December 2023, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla (Spain)
Early Modern Knowledge 2
Early Modern Knowledge 2 Second edition of the workshop "Early Modern Knowledge", organized by Luís Ribeiro and Francisco Malta Romeiras with researchers focused on early modern knowledge. RUTTER members integrate the scientific committee and the panel of speakers. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, C2, room 2.3.13 15 December 2023 · 09h00-17h00
Celestial & Maritime Grids & Circles: Digitising Cosmographical Manuscripts
Celestial & Maritime Grids & Circles: Digitising Cosmographical Manuscripts The audience at the Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations of the Aga Khan Centre in London delved with Juan Acevedo into the fascinating world of Celestial & Maritime Grids & Circles, exploring the digitisation of cosmographical manuscripts. Aga Khan Centre, Londo, United Kingdom 4…
Artes y artesanías islámicas
Artes y artesanías islámicas Artes y artesanías islámicas Book review by Juan Acevedo of the book "Islamic Arts and Crafts: An Anthology" written by Marcus Milwright and published by Edinburgh University Press, 2017. Available here.
Colonial Science and Empires: Approaches from the Early Modern Spanish-Iberian and East Asia Worlds
Colonial Science and Empires: Approaches from the Early Modern Spanish-Iberian and East Asia Worlds On 4th of December, José María Moreno Madrid will answer the question "Why on Earth calculate longitude in the Early Modern period?" at the workshop "Colonial Science and Empires: Approaches from the Early Modern Spanish-Iberian and East Asia Worlds". December 4,…
Representações, imaginário e experiências atlánticas. Séculos V-XVI
Representações, imaginário e experiências atlánticas. Séculos V-XVI On 24th of November, Joana Lima will present "Voando por cima das águas: um mapa imaginário do Oceano Atlântico no teatro português quinhentista" at the seminar "Representações, imaginário e experiências atlánticas. Séculos V-XVI". November 24, 2023, Colegio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon, Portugal Representações, imaginário e experiências atlánticas. Séculos V-XVI On…
History of Knowledge Conference
History of Knowledge Conference On 24th of November, Henrique Leitão will give the Keynote Speaker talk "Global lines, mathematical cosmography and the emergence of a global Earth". Other RUTTER contributions are: Antonio Sánchez (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain) - "Thinking with hands’: the structures of artisanal knowledge" Juan Acevedo (University of Lisbon, Portugal) - "Discreet…
On oceanic routes: “the seas” of Asia
III Simpósio Internacional de História do Oriente - On oceanic routes: "the seas" of Asia The RUTTER team will present: Opening lecture of José Manuel Malhão Pereira “Pedro Fernandes Queirós e a descoberta do Pacífico (séc. XVI-XVII)” Nuno Vila-Santa / Luana Giurgevich “Ecos da Ásia Portuguesa na correspondência da Cúria Romana (1573-1597): Breves notas sobre alguns…
Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023
Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023 Henrique Leitão - Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023 Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023. The Prémio Academia de Marinha 2023 recognizes "Henrique Leitão's vast and notable work developed around maritime knowledge, resulting of an intense and brilliant academic, scientific and intellectual path…
La lezione di geografia
La lezione di geografia by David Salomoni. Il presente volume vuole ricostruire i meccanismi di alfabetizzazione geografica iniziati in Europa nel XV secolo, all’indomani delle prime esplorazioni spagnole e portoghesi nell’Oceano Atlantico. La geografia tardo medievale, infatti, non era ancora una disciplina epistemologicamente compatta così come siamo abituati a pensarla oggi. La proiezione sui mari…
Invited talks for the Embassy of Spain in Serbia
Invited talks for the Embassy of Spain in Serbia José María Moreno Madrid was invited by the Embassy of Spain in Serbia to give the talks "Diseñando un mundo navegado. Una aproximación histórico-científica a la cartografia de Edad Moderna temprana" at the Svilara - Kulturna stanica, Novi Sad, Serbia on 6 November 2023, and "Depicting…
How to switch research fields successfully
How to switch research fields successfully Four researchers offer tips for excelling in interdisciplinary training. One of them is Henrique Leitão. Read the paper here. Nature 623, 211-213 (2023) doi:
ERC Starting Grants: paths to succeed!
ERC Starting Grants: paths to succeed! What's better than learning with those who have been successful? During the Ciência week, Henrique Leitão talked about ERC Starting Grants atthe Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Lisboa. Organized by FCiências.ID-Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências.
Ciências Research & Innovation Day 2023
Ciências Research & Innovation Day 2023 We are today at the 5th edition of the Ciências Research & Innovation Day! Visit us at the poster session and talk with RUTTER researchers to know more about our work and activities. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 12:30-14:30, Auditorium 3.2.14 (Building C3, 2nd floor).
RUTTER Wikimedia edit-a-thon
RUTTER Wikimedia edit-a-thon RUTTER Wikimedia edit-a-thon with Juan Acevedo From 10:00 to 17:00, free participation for only a part or the entire duration. 30 September, 2023, room 4.2.07, Faculdade de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon
David Salomoni
RUTTER seminar “God in the map: geography, education, religion, artisanal knowledge" David Salomoni David Salomoni Presents "God in the map: geography, education, religion, artisanal knowledge". The presentation explores a new reading of cartography as a result of artisanal knowledge in the light of the transformations occurring in education, religion, and art during the 16th century.…
Nuno Vila-Santa at the Center de Recherches sur les Pays Lusophones
Nuno Vila-santa was granted a fellowship at the CREPAL - Center de recherches sur les pays lusophones Nuno Vila-Santa Nuno Vila-Santa receives a scholarship from the Institut Français de Portugal Nuno Vila-Santa will be in Paris as part of a scholarship from the Institut Français de Portugal that runs from the 1st to the 21st…
Joaquim Gaspar and Šima Krtalić
Joaquim Gaspar, Principal Investigator of the ERC project Medea, and Šima Krtalić, PhD student at the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, are joining the RUTTER team as research team members. Joaquim Gaspar and Šima Krtalić Joaquim Gaspar, Principal Investigator of the ERC project Medea, and Šima Krtalić, PhD student at the Faculdade de Ciências,…
New Digital Editions
New Digital Editions The digital editions of the Tratado da Esfera e Regimento da Declinação do Sol (Guia Náutico de Évora), the Regimento do Astrolábio e do quadrante e Tratado da Esfera do Mundo (Guia Náutico de Munique) and the text Este livro é de rotear (MS de Valentim Fernandes) are now available on our…
European Researchers’ Night 2023
A Textual Adventure from 15th-century Oceanic Rutters to 21st-century XML Code A Textual Adventure from 15th-century Oceanic Rutters to 21st-century XML Code - European Researchers' Night 2023 We will welcome visitors to the inner sanctum of the project, where we combine centuries-old manuscript study with cutting edge literature and digital technology, to bring to life…
Carmo Lacerda
Carmo Lacerda obtained a PhD scholarship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) with the project "Ensinar a Arte de Navegar: O Piloto Oceânico e as Práticas Educativas na Península Ibérica nos sécs. XVI-XVII". Carmo Lacerda Carmo Lacerda obtained a PhD scholarship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a…
Cosmologies old and new: early modern transformations in scientific and philosophical thought
Cosmologies old and new: early modern transformations in scientific and philosophical thought Cosmologies old and new: early modern transformations in scientific and philosophical thought This lecture and debate will focus on the cosmology and natural philosophy transformations of the seventeenth century prompted by global navigations and the celestial discoveries made with the telescope. Researcher H.…
RUTTER Technical note n.2 v.5
Juan Acevedo, Inês Bénard & Juliane Müller Indian Ocean Arab Navigation Studies Towards a Global Perspective: Annotated Bibliography and Research Roadmap RUTTER Technical note n.2 v.5 Juan Acevedo, Inês Bénard & Juliane Müller Indian Ocean Arab Navigation Studies Towards a Global Perspective: Annotated Bibliography and Research Roadmap Version 5 Know More
Do passado ao futuro: manuscritos antigos e tecnologias modernas
Actividade no âmbito das iniciativas organizadas para o Dia da Ecologia. Do passado ao futuro: manuscritos antigos e tecnologias modernas Actividade no âmbito das iniciativas organizadas para o Dia da Ecologia ( A navegação oceânica nos séculos XVI e XVII revelou aos navegadores uma natureza desconhecida. Cada viagem era uma oportunidade para coletar dados globais…
The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts
The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts RUTTER TRAINING SCHOOL: The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts This course provides a thorough overview of multidisciplinary approaches to early modern scientific writing practices. The course consists of three parts. The first is a theoretical part with lectures providing knowledge on…
Fighting for a Mare Clausum and Secret Science: France, England and Spain in the Strategies of Ambassador Dantas (1557-1568)
Fighting for a Mare Clausum and Secret Science: France, England and Spain in the Strategies of Ambassador Dantas (1557-1568) Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia Nuno Vila-Santa "Fighting for a Mare Clausum and Secret Science: France, England and Spain in the Strategies of Ambassador Dantas (1557-1568)" The Portuguese ambassador to France and…
Diplomacia y humanismo: el embajador Jean Nicot y la rivalidad marítima franco-portuguesa (1559-1561)
Diplomacia y humanismo: el embajador Jean Nicot y la rivalidad marítima franco-portuguesa (1559-1561) Anuario De Estudios Americanos Nuno Vila-Santa "Diplomacia y humanismo: el embajador Jean Nicot y la rivalidad marítima franco-portuguesa (1559-1561)" This article aims to re-examine Jean Nicot’s embassy to Portugal, by using his correspondence. I attempt to show that the main episodes in…
Society for Renaissance Studies 10th Biennial Conference
Society for Renaissance Studies Biennial Conference 'Difficult Pasts' July 19-22, 2023, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom Society for Renaissance Studies Biennial Conference 'Difficult Pasts' Nuno Vila-Santa "Global Maritime Spies? Portuguese Espionage to the English Expeditions to West Africa (1553-1567)" July 19-22, 2023, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Jornadas de Pós-graduação do Departamento de História e Filosofia da Ciência
Jornadas de Pós-graduação do Departamento de História e Filosofia da Ciência July 6, 2023, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Jornadas de Pós-graduação do Departamento de História e Filosofia da Ciência Joana Lima "Ecos do Oceano" 6th July 2023, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
XX Congreso Internacional AEA
XX Congreso Internacional AEA- Las raíces de América: historias e memorias Simposio 26. Arte y ciencia en Iberoamérica July 5-7, 2023, Universitat de València, Spain XX Congreso Internacional AEA- Las raíces de América: historias e memorias Simposio 26. Arte y ciencia en Iberoamérica José María Moreno Madrid: "Proyección Mercator en la Iberia seiscentista. Sí, no…
Book Review: Matteo Valleriani, Giulia Giannini, and Enrico Giannetto, eds., Scientific Visual Representations in History
Book Review: Matteo Valleriani, Giulia Giannini, and Enrico Giannetto, eds., Scientific Visual Representations in History. Cham: Springer, 2023. 360pp. ISBN: 978-3-031-11316-1 HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology Juan Acevedo "Book Review: Matteo Valleriani, Giulia Giannini, and Enrico Giannetto, eds., Scientific Visual Representations in History. Cham: Springer, 2023. 360pp. ISBN: 978-3-031-11316-1" HoST -…
Early Modern Knowledge 1
Workshop Early Modern Knowledge 1 June 23, 2023, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Workshop Early Modern Knowledge 1 organized by Luís Ribeiro and Francisco Malta Romeiras with researchers whose work focuses on "early modern knowledge." June 23, 2023, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
RUTTER Technical note n.12
Luana Giurgevich Roteiros portugueses do século XVII (Manuscritos) RUTTER Technical note n.12 Luana Giurgevich Roteiros portugueses do século XVII (Manuscritos) Version 1 Download
Reporting for a King: Valois France and Europe through the eyes of ambassador Dantas (1557-1568)
Reporting for a King: Valois France and Europe through the eyes of ambassador Dantas (1557-1568) Culture & History Digital Journal Nuno Vila-Santa "Reporting for a King: Valois France and Europe through the eyes of ambassador Dantas (1557-1568)" During his embassy to France between 1557 and 1568, João Pereira Dantas produced valuable reports on French events…
CIVIS – European Renaissance, online seminars
CIVIS - European Renaissance, online seminars Session 4 (Sciences and Navigation): “Other Scientific Renaissances” May 4, 2023, online CIVIS - European Renaissance, online seminars Session 4 (Sciences and Navigation): “Other Scientific Renaissances” Juan Acevedo and Inês Bénard: “al-Mahri’s ‘Conclusions’ on Ratio et Ars: Insights from a 16th-century Arab Pilot” José María Moreno Madrid: "Ptolemy is…
RUTTER Technical note n.11
Henrique Leitão & Luana Giurgevich Jesuits and Science in the Portuguese Assistancy: Thirty Years of Studies (A Bibliography, 1993–2023) RUTTER Technical note n.11 Henrique Leitão & Luana Giurgevich Jesuits and Science in the Portuguese Assistancy: Thirty Years of Studies (A Bibliography, 1993–2023) Version 1 Download
Al-Mahrī’s Mir’at al-salak li-kurat al-aflak: A 16th-century Yemeni Navigator’s Reflections on Astronomical Knowledge
Al-Mahrī’s Mir’at al-salak li-kurat al-aflak: A 16th-century Yemeni Navigator’s Reflections on Astronomical Knowledge by Eric Staples, Juan Acevedo and Inês Bénard. The sixteenth-century Yemeni navigator Sulaymān al-Mahrī is one of the two main Arab authors writing on maritime navigation in the Indian Ocean in the early modern and pre-modern periods. While he is generally known…
European History 1500-1800 Seminar Series
European History 1500-1800 Seminar Series May 15, 2023, School of Advanced Study, University of London, United Kingdom Henrique Leitão, Luana Giurgevich and Nuno Vila-Santa will present “The Rutter Project: Making the Earth Global in Early Modern Europe” at the European History 1500-1800 Seminar Series on 15 May 2023, at the School of Advanced Study, University…
Café Ciências with Joana Lima
Café Ciências with Joana Lima Voltam os encontros com café e ciência na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa! As sessões de “Café Ciências” terão lugar às quartas-feiras, pelas 17h30, na Galeria Ciências, lugar da exposição “A Porta do Pacífico: Uma viagem cartográfica pelo Estreito de Magalhães”. A sessão do dia 26 de abril…
Francis Drake – Il corsaro che sfidò un impero
Francis Drake - Il corsaro che sfidò un impero by David Salomoni. All’origine del mondo moderno ci fu un tempo in cui un ‘drago’ solitario sfidò il più grande impero della terra, quello ‘su cui il sole non tramontava mai’. Tra viaggi infiniti, tempeste furibonde e battaglie impreviste, il corsaro Francis Drake pose le basi…
Maurizio Cataldo
Maurizio Cataldo, multimedia technician, is joining the RUTTER project. Maurizio Cataldo Maurizio Cataldo, multimedia technician, is joining the RUTTER project.
British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference
British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference March 31, 2023, Oxford, United Kingdom RUTTER members at the British Society for the History of Science Postgraduate Conference, 31 March 2023, Oxford: Inês Bénard da Costa presented “Sailing between two practices: Shared knowledge in Portuguese and Arabic sources” and Carmo Lacerda presented “Encoding and decoding…
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio “Almirante Teixeira da Mota” 2022
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio “Almirante Teixeira da Mota” 2022 by the Academia de Marinha. Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio Almirante Teixeira da Mota 2022. Henrique Leitão and José Maria Moreno Madrid were awarded the Prize…
The Untold Story of Oceanic Pilot Bartolomeu Borges who Guided Jean Ribault to Florida in 1562: Document Transcription and Translation, Accompanied by an Historical Introduction
The Untold Story of Oceanic Pilot Bartolomeu Borges who Guided Jean Ribault to Florida in 1562: Document Transcription and Translation, Accompanied by an Historical Introduction Terrae Incognitae Nuno Vila-Santa "The Untold Story of Oceanic Pilot Bartolomeu Borges who Guided Jean Ribault to Florida in 1562: Document Transcription and Translation, Accompanied by an Historical Introduction" Until…
Brian Nickel
Brian Nickel, master student in European History at the University of Strasbourg, is joining the RUTTER project for an internship. Brian Nickel Brian Nickel, master student in European History at the University of Strasbourg, is joining the RUTTER project for an internship.
Café Ciências with Henrique Leitão
Café Ciências with Henrique Leitão Voltam os encontros com café e ciência na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa! As sessões de “Café Ciências” terão lugar às quartas-feiras, pelas 17h30, na Galeria Ciências, lugar da exposição “A Porta do Pacífico: Uma viagem cartográfica pelo Estreito de Magalhães”. A primeira sessão, no dia 22 de…
Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference
Marie Curie Alumni Association Annual Conference February 24-25, 2023, Córdoba, Spain Silvana Munzi presented the lightening talk and the poster presentation "The Many Languages of Oceanic Navigation in the Early Modern Period” (S. Munzi, J. Acevedo, L. Giurgevich).
Nautical astrology: a forgotten early modern tradition
Nautical astrology: a forgotten early modern tradition Annals of Science Luís Campos Ribeiro "Nautical astrology: a forgotten early modern tradition" While the link between navigation and astronomy is quite evident and its history has been extensively explored, the prognosticatory element included in astronomical knowledge has been almost completely left out. In the early modern world,…
The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts
The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts RUTTER TRAINING SCHOOL: The long life of manuscripts: from material to immaterial texts This course provides a thorough overview of multidisciplinary approaches to early modern scientific writing practices. The course consists of three parts. The first is a theoretical part with lectures providing knowledge on…
I Seminario Internacional “Corte y Diplomacia”
Fracasos diplomáticos: errores, divergencias y rivalidades en la corte de la Monarquía Hispánica (siglos XVI-XVIII) March 23-24, 2023, Sala de Conferencias, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid I Seminario Internacional “Corte y Diplomacia” Nuno Vila-Santa will present the talk "Power,espionage and intrigues in the Franco-Iberian diplomatic relations: King Philip II’s court and…
Hi-Phi seminar
Hi-Phi seminar "Cosmological Diagrams between Sense and Reason" Juan Acevedo and Samuel Gessner present the Hi-Phi seminar "Cosmological Diagrams between Sense and Reason". 9 March, 18:00, room 2.2.12 Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.
Science & Astrology in China and Japan: Techniques and the Reading of Horoscopes in the Medieval Period
On 6 of February in Lisbon, Dr. Jeffrey Kotyk will offer a workshop on Science and Astrology in China and Japan. It will address the history and transmission of Indo-Iranian astrology to East Asia. Free participation but registration required. Email: February 6, 2023, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Science &…
Interview with David Salomoni
Rai Storia interviews David Salomoni Interview with David Salomoni on Rai Storia about his book "Magellano. Il primo viaggio intorno al mondo." 7 January, streaming available for Italy only.
Helena Avelar Seminar on Ancient Astronomy and Astrology
José Maria Moreno Madrid talked on the astronomical methods of calculation of longitude and it’s consequences on the territorial disputes between Spain and Portugal in the 16th century at the Helena Avelar Seminar on Ancient Astronomy and Astrology. January 12, 2023, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal Helena Avelar Seminar on Ancient…
Séminaire d’histoire des sciences astronomiques
Henrique Leitão and Juan Acevedo were invited speakers at the Séminaire d’histoire des sciences astronomiques. January 10, 2023, Syrte L'Observatoire de Paris, Paris Séminaire d’histoire des sciences astronomiques Henrique Leitão and Juan Acevedo presented "The challenge of a global Earth: Longitude and the Birth of Mathematical Cosmography" and "What Was Nomical in the Astro Navigation…
Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist
Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist Edited volume, contains the contribution of Antonio Sánchez and Henrique Leitão “Social and Epistemic interactions between Artisans and Scholars in Iberia. A Zilselian reading of Early Modern Maritime Expansion”, in Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist, edited by Donata Romizi, Monika Wulz, Elisabeth Nemeth (Berlin: Springer, 2022). More information here. Springer,…
I Gonzaga tra Oriente e Occidente. Viaggi, scoperte geografiche e meraviglie esotiche
I Gonzaga tra Oriente e Occidente. Viaggi, scoperte geografiche e meraviglie esotiche Edited volume, contains the contribution of David Salomoni, “Cultura e alfabetizzazione geografica nelle corti dei Gonzaga tra Umanesimo e Rivoluzione Scientifica (secc. XV-XVII)” in I Gonzaga tra Oriente e Occidente. Viaggio, scoperte geografiche e meraviglie esotiche, a cura di A. Canova, D. Sogliani…
Seminário Helena Avelar de Astronomia e Astrologia Antiga
Seminário Helena Avelar de Astronomia e Astrologia Antiga José Maria Moreno Madrid will participate in the seminar Helena Avelar de Astronomia e Astrologia Antiga with the talk "Quem precisa de cronómetros? Astronomia, longitude e ambições imperiais (1494–1524)" 12 January, 14:00, Room 8.2.19 at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
XVII Simpósio de História Marítima | Reportagem
XVII Simpósio de História Marítima Reportagem Henrique Leitão and Joana Lima interviewed in this reportage on the XVII Symposium of Maritime History. On the theme “Magellan and Elcano: from the sunset of an expedition to the genesis of a global world”. 22-24 November, Academia de Marinha, Lisbon, Portugal
De itineribus librorum: a biblioteca da Casa Professa de São Roque
De itineribus librorum: a biblioteca da Casa Professa de São Roque Luana Giurgevich presents "De itineribus librorum: a biblioteca da Casa Professa de São Roque" A história das bibliotecas dos jesuítas em Portugal revela um percurso multifacetado onde há ainda muito por investigar. Para uma melhor compreensão das orientações culturais da Companhia de Jesus na…
Research Line – Indian Ocean Navigation as a Meeting Point Between Arabic and Western Nautical Traditions
Research Lines - Indian Ocean Navigation as a Meeting Point Between Arabic and Western Nautical Traditions RUTTER Research Lines The RUTTER project is structured along 5 lines covering different aspects of the research. This text describes the aims and impacts of our research line “Indian Ocean Navigation as a Meeting Point Between Arabic and Western…
Research Line – The Circulation of Global Maritime and Geographical Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
Research Lines - The Circulation of Global Maritime and Geographical Knowledge in Early Modern Europe RUTTER Research Lines The RUTTER project is structured along 5 lines covering different aspects of the research. This text describes the aims and impacts of our research line “The Circulation of Global Maritime and Geographical Knowledge in Early Modern Europe”…
Research Line – Geographical Literacy and Epistemic Change in the European School System
Research Lines - A Global Earth in the Classroom: Geographical Literacy and Epistemic Change in the European School System as a Consequence of Iberian Explorations RUTTER Research Lines The RUTTER project is structured along 5 lines covering different aspects of the research. This text describes the aims and impacts of our research line “A Global…
Research Line – The Textual Genres of Maritime Technical Literature (Oceanic Genres)
Research Lines - The Textual Genres of Maritime Technical Literature (Oceanic Genres) RUTTER Research Lines The RUTTER project is structured along 5 lines covering different aspects of the research. This text describes the aims and impacts of our research line “The Textual Genres of Maritime Technical Literature (Oceanic Genres)” led by Luana Giurgevich. Know…
RSA Virtual 2022
Henrique Leitão, LuÍs Ribeiro, Nuno Castel-Branco and David Salomoni participated in the RSA Virtual 2022 roundtable on "Mathematics and Empire: Certainty and the Usefulness of Knowledge in Early Modern Spanish Kingdoms". December 2, 2022, online RSA Virtual 2022 Henrique Leitão, LuÍs Ribeiro, Nuno Castel-Branco and David Salomoni participated in the RSA Virtual 2022 roundtable on…
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio “Almirante Teixeira da Mota” 2022
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio “Almirante Teixeira da Mota” 2022 by the Academia de Marinha. Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio Almirante Teixeira da Mota 2022. Henrique Leitão and José Maria Moreno Madrid were awarded the Prize…
Digital Editions – Guia Náutico de Évora
Digital edition of the "Tratado da Esfera e Regimento da Declinação do Sol (Guia Náutico de Évora)" RUTTER Digital Editions The digital edition of the "Tratado da Esfera e Regimento da Declinação do Sol (Guia Náutico de Évora)" is now available as Beta version for testing. Know More
Book launch “Estudos da história da náutica e das navegações de alto-mar”
Book launch "Estudos da história da náutica e das navegações de alto-mar", Academia de Marinha, Lisbon, Portugal Book Launch "Estudos da história da náutica e das navegações de alto-mar" Launch of books 3 and 4 of "Estudos da história da náutica e das navegações de alto-mar" by Comandante José Manuel Malhão Pereira. Presentation by Juan…
Maria Gomes
Maria Gomes, master student in History and Philosophy of Science, is joining the RUTTER project for an internship. Maria Gomes Maria Gomes, master student in History and Philosophy of Science, is joining the RUTTER project for an internship.
6th International Conference Medieval Europe in Motion
Henrique Leitão will present the plenary lecture "From periploi to oceanic rutters: Sailing directions and the construction of oceanic space" at the 6th International Conference Medieval Europe in Motion. November 30, 2022, Sociedade Portuguesa de Geografia, Lisbon, Portugal. 6th International Conference Medieval Europe in Motion Henrique Leitão will present the plenary lecture "From periploi to…
A Porta do Pacífico – virtual tour
A Porta do Pacífico – virtual tour Tour virtual da mostra cartográfica sobre a construção da imagem do Estreito de Magalhães nos inícios da Idade Moderna (em Português).
leidenislamblog Invited blog article 'Islamic Navigation: A “Middle Nation” at Sea' by Juan Acevedo.
XVII Simpósio de História Marítima
Nuno Vila-Santa: “Uma consequência da expedição Magalhães-Elcano? A circulação de pilotos, cartógrafos e cosmógrafos portugueses para Espanha” José María Moreno Madrid: "Os debates científicos das Juntas de Badajoz-Elvas (1524)” Carmo Lacerda: “O que é novo no Tratado del esphera de Francisco Faleiro?” Joana Lima: "Flutuando entre Cebu e Tidore: a busca de uma rota desconhecida”…
Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia 2022
Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia 2022 Activities of the RUTTER team as part of the Semana da Ciência e Tecnologia, promoted by Ciência Viva Objectos que contam histórias, 21 November, 11h-12hwith the participation of Juan Acevedo, Luís Ribeiro, and Thomas Horst Virtual tour of the exhibition 'A Porta do Pacífico: Uma viagem cartográfica pelo Estreito de…
History of Science Society congress 2022
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid will be in Chicago for the 2022 History of Science Society Annual Meeting "Sustainability, Regeneration, and Resiliency" to present Artisans Under Stress: Epistemological divides in the demarcation of Tordesillas (1494). 17-20 November 2022, Chicago, Illinois, USA History of Science Society congress 2022 Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno…
A teoria dos aspectos e a sua importância no corpus e prática astrológica pré-moderna
A teoria dos aspectos e a sua importância no corpus e prática astrológica pré-moderna Nova palestra do Seminário Helena Avelar de Astronomia e Astrologia Antiga: Luís Ribeiro apresenta "A teoria dos aspectos e a sua importância no corpus e prática astrológica pré-moderna" A teoria dos aspectos descreve na astronomia antiga a relação angular que os…
Non si farà più un tal viaggio – La Stampa
Non si farà più un tal viaggio The article "Non si farà più un tal viaggio" published by La Stampa mention contributions of the RUTTER team to the topic of Magellan's voyage. 6 November 2022
Magellano, ripartire dalle fonti per non cadere nella cancel culture
Magellano, ripartire dalle fonti per non cadere nella cancel culture Andrea Canova reviewed the book "Magellano Il primo viaggio intorno al mondo" by David Salomoni for the journal Il Manifesto: Magellano, ripartire dalle fonti per non cadere nella cancel culture. 14 November 2022
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio António Quadros 2022
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio António Quadros 2022 in the category "History" by the Fundação António Quadros. Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio António Quadros 2022 in the category "History". The 2022 edition of the Prémio António Quadros…
Interview with Inês Bénard – Sociedade Civil, RTP
Interview with Inês Bénard – Sociedade Civil, RTP The RTP program Sociedade Civil interviewed Inês Bénard about her work, her life as a PhD student and her participation in the RUTTER project. Watch her here starting from minute 49.14. 7 November 2022
Hi-Phi Seminar
Hi-Phi Seminar: “Universalism and Science: the case of two celestial reference systems” Inês Bénard (CIUHCT) and Marco Gomboso (CFCUL) are the speakers of the next Hi-Phi Seminar: “Universalism and Science: the case of two celestial reference systems” Room 2.2.21, Building 2, Faculdade de Ciências 10 November 2022
Relazioni, Conflitti, Mobilità Religiose
"Relazioni, Conflitti, Mobilità Religiose dal medioevo all'età contemporanea” David Salomoni discute con Kathleen Comerford del suo libro "Educating the Catholic People: Religious Orders and Their Schools in Early Modern Italy". Gli incontri si svolgeranno su Zoom, per partecipare clicca qui 11 Novembre 2022
Exhibition “A Porta do Pacífico: Uma viagem cartográfica pelo Estreito de Magalhães”
Exhibition “A Porta do Pacífico: Uma viagem cartográfica pelo Estreito de Magalhães” Inauguration of the exhibition "A Porta do Pacífico: Uma viagem cartográfica pelo Estreito de Magalhães". It will be possible to visit the exhibition until May 2023. More info: Galeria Ciências (Building C4), of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa…
RUTTER Technical note n.10
Joana Lima Modern Editions of Portuguese Maritime Literature: A Bibliography RUTTER Technical note n.10 Joana Lima Modern Editions of Portuguese Maritime Literature: A Bibliography Version 1 Download
Conferências da Primavera – Ásia
Um Império em Reforma? D. Sebastião e as Instruções para o Estado da Índia em 1572 Available the video of the presentation "Um Império em Reforma? D. Sebastião e as Instruções para o Estado da Índia em 1572" by Nuno Vila-Santa at the "Conferências da Primavera – Ásia". [video src="" /] 20 April…
Talk at the Instituto Superior Técnico
Digging into Portuguese Ecclesiastical Libraries Luana Giurgevich presented the talk "Digging into Portuguese Ecclesiastical Libraries" at the Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon for the students of the MIEH - Historical Building Information Modeling course. 19 October 2022
Empires and Future Past in Universal History Writing
David Salomoni presents “Teaching Universality: Historical and Geographical Education in Context, 15th-16th centuries” at the conference "Empires and Future Past in Universal History Writing". October18-19 2022, Oslo, Norway To attend: Empires and Future Past in Universal History Writing Event organized by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters “Empires and Future Past in Universal…
Inventare la sanità in età moderna: pratiche, agenti, norme
David Salomoni presents “Tra corpo e anima. Regolamenti sanitari per i gesuiti a bordo della Carreira da India, XVI-XVII sec.” at the conference "Inventare la sanità in età moderna: pratiche, agenti, norme". October12-13 2022, Università Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy Inventare la sanità in età moderna: Pratiche, Agenti, Norme Event organized as part of the…
L’arte di navigare da Cristoforo Colombo ai giorni nostri
David Salomoni presented “L'Atlantico di Colombo e il Pacifico di Magellano: Navigazione, Politica, Geografia, Mito” at the conference "L’arte di navigare da Cristoforo Colombo ai giorni nostri". October 7 2022, Fondazione Casa America - Comune di Genova, Genova, Italy Link: L’arte di navigare da Cristoforo Colombo ai giorni nostri An international conference dedicated…
Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos
Juan Acevedo presented “Cosmologia alfanumérica e espiritualidade Islâmica” at the seminar series "Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos". September 30 2022, Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal Cosmologia alfanumérica e espiritualidade islâmica (palestra, 30 set. ’22) Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos Juan Acevedo presented “Cosmologia alfanumérica e espiritualidade Islâmica” at the seminar series "Seminário Permanente de Estudos Islâmicos".…
Final conference of the AQUA project
Luís Ribeiro presented "Discussing the river Mondego: A study of Luís Gonzaga's opinion on the river's plumbing" at the final conference of the project AQUA. September 26, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal Final conference of the AQUA project Luís Ribeiro presented "Discussing the river Mondego: A study of Luís Gonzaga's opinion on the river's plumbing" at…
Prémios Design Meios & Publicidade 2022
The book "Relação da Primeira Viagem em Torno do Mundo", by António Pigafetta, with translation by Joana Lima and published by Imprensa Nacional, is the winner in the book cover category of the 12ª edition of the "Prémios Design Meios & Publicidade". . 12ª edition of the Prémios Design Meios & Publicidade The book…
RUTTER Technical note n.2 v.4
Juan Acevedo & Inês Bénard Indian Ocean Arab Navigation Studies Towards a Global Perspective: Annotated Bibliography and Research Roadmap RUTTER Technical note n.2 v.4 Juan Acevedo & Inês Bénard Indian Ocean Arab Navigation Studies Towards a Global Perspective: Annotated Bibliography and Research Roadmap Version 4 Know More
As ilhas Atlânticas na Expansão Marítima – de Porto Santo ao Planeta Oceano
Henrique Leitão presented “Ciência náutica na expedição de Fernão de Magalhães” and Joana Lima presented “A exótica de Pigafeta: autopsia e nenhuma angústia da influência na Relação da Primeira Viagem em Torno do Mundo”. As ilhas Atlânticas na Expansão Marítima – de Porto Santo ao Planeta Oceano No âmbito das Comemorações do V Centenário da…
Pigafetta e la prima navigazione attorno al mondo – Non si farà mai più tal viaggio
Pigafetta e la prima navigazione attorno al mondo - Non si farà mai più tal viaggio Edited volume, contains the contributions of: David Salomoni, “Un orizzonte mobile: Geografia e cartografia prima e dopo la circumnavigazione,” in Non si farà mai più tal viaggio: Pigafetta e la prima navigazione attorno al mondo, a cura di A. Canova,…
Exhibition on Magellan and the first world circumnavigation
Exhibition on Magellan and the first world circumnavigation Exhibition on Magellan and the first world circumnavigation organized by David Salomoni will take place in Guastalla, Italy, from 18 September 2022 to 31 January 2023. More information here. Palazzo Ducale di Guastall, Italy 18 September 2022 - 31 January 2023
Magellaan De eerste reis rond de wereld
Magellaan De eerste reis rond de wereld by David Salomoni. In augustus 1519 verlaten vijf schepen met aan boord 237 mannen de haven van Sevilla. Ze maken deel uit van een expeditie die werd gefinancierd door de Spaanse keizer Karel v. Gezagvoerder is Ferdinand Magellaan, een Portugees (Uitgever Athenaeum). ISBN 9789025314613 Know More
Fernão de Magalhães: A Primeira Viagem de Circum-Navegação
Fernão de Magalhães: A Primeira Viagem de Circum-Navegação by David Salomoni. A incrível história de Fernão de Magalhães, o navegador português que há 500 anos liderou a primeira viagem à volta do mundo (Vogais Editora). ISBN 9789896235185 Know More
The stars in sixteenth-century nautical literature: a comparative study
The stars in sixteenth-century nautical literature: a comparative study by Inês Bénard. The beginning of the sixteenth century was a period of intensive knowledge circulation between Atlantic and Indian Ocean navigational practices. Mariners began to incorporate new information from the disciplines of geography and astronomy into their sailing methods. Portuguese nautical instructions written in the…
The sixteenth-century Portuguese Suma Oriental and the Arab pilots: a comparative summa orientalis?
The sixteenth-century Portuguese Suma Oriental and the Arab pilots: a comparative summa orientalis? by Juan Acevedo. Starting from a consideration of Tomé Pires’ 1515 Suma Oriental, this article considers the feasibility, nature, and relevance of a summa orientalis in the form of a Portuguese Early Maritime Corpus. When this corpus is compared with Arabic nautical…
Jornadas DHFC 2021-22
Juan Acevedo presented “Digitalizando os tesouros da navegação pré-moderna”. Jornadas DHFC 2021-22 Juan Acevedo presented “Digitalizando os tesouros da navegação pré-moderna” (Silvana Munzi & Juan Acevedo) at the "Departamento de História e Filosofia das Ciências". July 21-22 2022, FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal
When the Stars Tell Time. Astronomical Timekeeping Practices at Night in Comparative Perspective.
Inês Bénard da Costa presented the paper “Telling Time and Space: The Zam in Indian Ocean Navigation”. When the Stars Tell Time. Astronomical Timekeeping Practices at Night in Comparative Perspective. Inês Bénard da Costa presented “Telling Time and Space: The Zam in Indian Ocean Navigation” at the conference "When the Stars Tell Time. Astronomical…
4th International Conference on Science and Literature
Joana Lima presented the paper "Blue is the water that inked the Portuguese route from science to empire". 4th International Conference on Science and Literature Joana Lima presented the paper "Blue is the water that inked the Portuguese route from science to empire" at the 4th International Conference on Science and Literature. Home June…
Silvana Munzi at the “Jornadas Científicas da Universidade de Lisboa”
Silvana Munzi at the Jornadas Científicas da Universidade de Lisboa Silvana Munzi presents the poster "Global navigation made global: Sustainable Digital Humanities" at the Jornadas Ciêntificas da ULisboa, an event devoted to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Embracing Societal, Technological and Environmental Challenges. More information here. Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 28…
Teaching Geography – A never-ending dialogue between late antique and Renaissance Europe
Teaching Geography - A never-ending dialogue between late antique and Renaissance Europe by David Salomoni. The purpose of this article is to show how the dialogue between Antique and Renaissance geography did not happen only through the rediscovery and critical study of ancient sources by Italian and European humanists. Such a reading would leave out…
8th IMHA International Congress of Maritime History
Members of the RUTTER project will chair 4 symposium and present 7 talks at the 8th IHMA congress. 8th IMHA International Congress of Maritime History Symposium: Politics, Science, Religion: New Historical Insights On the Making of Early Modern Thalassocracies. Chair: Fabiano Bracht. Nuno Vila-Santa “Spying on the Global Sea: French maritime and cosmographical espionage…
European Design Awards 2022
The book "Relação da Primeira Viagem em Torno do Mundo", by António Pigafetta, with translation by Joana Lima and published by Imprensa Nacional, is the silver winner in the book cover category of the European Design Awards 2022. European Design Awards 2022 The book "Relação da Primeira Viagem em Torno do Mundo" at the…
XIV Congreso SEHCYT de Historia de la Ciencia
José María Moreno Madrid “Longitud e imperio. La constitución de un problema científico a principios de la Edad Moderna” José María Moreno Madrid “Longitud e imperio. La constitución de un problema científico a principios de la Edad Moderna” José María Moreno Madrid presented the paper “Longitud e imperio. La constitución de un problema científico…
XI Simposio Internacional de la Asociación Española de Americanistas
José María Moreno Madrid “Globalizar un imperio. Desafíos técnicos y estructurales para la consolidación de los poderes ultramarinos de Edad Moderna” José María Moreno Madrid “Globalizar un imperio. Desafíos técnicos y estructurales para la consolidación de los poderes ultramarinos de Edad Moderna” José María Moreno Madrid presented the paper “Globalizar un imperio. Desafíos técnicos…
Cultura Marítima y Epistemología Artesanal
José María Moreno Madrid “La ballestilla de los marineros. Reafirmando el papel de las comunidades artesanales en la Iberia de Edad Moderna temprana” José María Moreno Madrid “La ballestilla de los marineros. Reafirmando el papel de las comunidades artesanales en la Iberia de Edad Moderna temprana” José María Moreno Madrid presents the paper “La…
Timothy D. Walker
RUTTER seminar “Assessing Historic Oceanic Climate Conditions Using American Whaling and Portuguese Navy Maritime Archival Sources [c. 1750-1950]" Timothy D. Walker Timothy D. Walker Professor of History at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth "Assessing Historic Oceanic Climate Conditions Using American Whaling and Portuguese Navy Maritime Archival Sources [c. 1750-1950]" 15 June 2022, 14:30 FCUL
Sabrina Guerra Moscoso new Associate Member of RUTTER
Sabrina Guerra Moscoso, professor at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Universidad San francisco de Quito, Equador, is now Associate member of the RUTTER project. Sabrina Guerra Moscoso Sabrina Guerra Moscoso is now Associate Member of the RUTTER project Sabrina Guerra Moscoso is professor at the College of Social Sciences and Humanities,…
The Foreignness of Universal Historiography
David Salomoni presents the paper “The Italian who Changed the World: Pigafetta and the Construction of the First Circumnavigation of the Earth”. David Salomoni "The Italian who Changed the World: Pigafetta and the Construction of the First Circumnavigation of the Earth" David Salomoni presents the paper “The Italian who Changed the World: Pigafetta…
Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio APOM 2022
Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio APOM 2022 in the category "Conferences" by the da Associação Portuguesa de Museologia. Henrique Leitão - Prémio APOM 2022 Henrique Leitão awarded the Prémio APOM 2022 in the category "Conferences". The APOM Awards are given annually, in many categories, to the various entities and individuals that distinguished themselves that…
Juan Acevedo at The Prince’s Foundation School of Traditional Arts
Juan Acevedo at The Prince's Foundation School of Traditional Arts Juan Acevedo presents the lecture "Wayfinding Through the Stars: The Science and Craft of Medieval Navigation in the Indian Ocean". More information here. The Prince's Foundation School of Traditional Arts, London, UK 25 May 2022
José María Moreno Madrid at the Linda Hall Library
José María Moreno Madrid was granted a fellowship at the Linda Hall Library José María Moreno Madrid Linda Hall Library Announces 2022-23 Fellows and José María Moreno Madrid is one of them The Linda Hall Library is pleased to announce the new fellowship cohort for the 2022-23 academic year. This fellowship cohort is one of…
Thomas Horst
Postdoctoral researcher at the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, is joining the RUTTER team as a research team member. Thomas Horst Thomas Horst, Postdoctoral researcher at the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, is joining the RUTTER as a research team member.
Early Modern Science, Technology, and Institutions
José María Moreno Madrid presented the poster “Reaching the Unreachable - Iberian institutions and new tools for the control of long-distance oceanic voyages” José María Moreno Madrid "Reaching the Unreachable Iberian institutions and new tools for the control of long-distance oceanic voyages" José María Moreno Madrid presented the poster “Reaching the Unreachable -…
Digital Editions – Beta version
Digital edition of the "Esmeraldo de situ orbis" and the "Derroteros del Piloto Mayor" RUTTER Digital Editions The digital edition of the "Esmeraldo de situ orbis" and the "Derroteros del Piloto Mayor" are now available as Beta version for testing. Know More
Annemarie Jordan Gschwend
RUTTER seminar “Kaiser Ebersdorf - Maximilian II's Pleasure Palace and Exotic Menagerie in Vienna”. Annemarie Jordan Gschwend Annemarie Jordan Gschwend Senior Research Scholar, CHAM – Lisbon & Zurich "Kaiser Ebersdorf - Maximilian II's Pleasure Palace and Exotic Menagerie in Vienna" 19 May 2022, 12:00 FCUL, room 8.2.06
Pint of Science 2022 – Paleography contest
Paleography contest at the Pint of Science 2022 Silvana Munzi and José María Moreno Madrid organized the first paleography contest at the 2022 edition of the science communication festival Pint of Science. 8ª Colina Marquês, Lisbon, Portugal 11 May 2022
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio António Quadros 2022
Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio António Quadros 2022 in the category "History" by the Fundação António Quadros. Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid Henrique Leitão and José María Moreno Madrid awarded the Prémio António Quadros 2022 in the category "History". The 2022 edition of the Prémio António Quadros…
Nuno Vila-Santa – ERC Vinculum project event
A Casa dos Barretos de Quarteira: estratégias de poder e nobilitação no Algarve (Séculos XV-XVI) Nuno Vila-Santa presents "A Casa dos Barretos de Quarteira: estratégias de poder e nobilitação no Algarve (Séculos XV-XVI)" in the event organized by the ERC Vinculum project. Arquivo municipal de Loulé, Portugal 14 May 2022
Luís Ribeiro – Pint of Science Portugal
Seguir as estrelas no Portugal dos séculos XVI e XVII: astronomia, navegação e prognosticação Luís Ribeiro present "Seguir as estrelas no Portugal dos séculos XVI e XVII: astronomia, navegação e prognosticação". More information about the event here. Pint of Science Portugal, 8ª Colina Marquês, Portugal 11 May 2022
Pierre-Yves Manguin
Informal talk with the RUTTER team about South-East Asian studies in relation to Portuguese sources, archeology, shipwrecks, and Srivijaya. Pierre-Yves Manguin Informal talk with the RUTTER team about South-East Asian studies in relation to Portuguese sources, archeology, shipwrecks, and Srivijaya.
Berkeley DH Fair 2022
Juan Acevedo and Luana Giurgevich presented the poster “Digitizing Early Modern Iberian Maritime Literature” Juan Acevedo and Luana Giurgevich "Digitizing Early Modern Iberian Maritime Literature" Juan Acevedo & Luana Giurgevich presented the poster “Digitizing Early Modern Iberian Maritime Literature” at the Berkeley DH Fair 2022. 3 May 2022, online conference
Book launch “Magellano – Il primo viaggio intorno al mondo”
Book launch “"Magellano - Il primo viaggio intorno al mondo", Caleidoscópio, FCUL, Lisbon, Portugal Book Launch "Magellano - Il primo viaggio intorno al mondo" "Magellano - Il primo viaggio intorno al mondo", book launch presented at the Universidade de Lisboa with Alessandra Bilotta (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), Davide Accardi Hipácia - Associazione Ricercatori Italiani in…
Henrique Leitão honorary member of the Portuguese Mathematical Society
Henrique Leitão was elected honorary member of the Portuguese Mathematical Society. Henrique Leitão elected honorary member of the Portuguese Mathematical Society Henrique Leitão was elected honorary member of the Portuguese Mathematical Society for his “extraordinary contribution to the History of Mathematics”, in particular for his work in Cartography and the work of the mathematician Pedro…
Inês Bénard – Seminário Helena Avelar de Astronomia e Astrologia Antiga
As estrelas nos tratados de navegação de Ibn Mājid e Sulaymān al-Mahrī Inês Bénard presents "As estrelas nos tratados de navegação de Ibn Mājid e Sulaymān al-Mahrī" at the Seminário Helena Avelar de Astronomia e Astrologia Antiga. Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, C8, sala 8.2.02. 28 May 2022
Luís Ribeiro awarded the Prémio FCiências.ID
Luís Ribeiro was awarded the Prémio FCiências.ID for outstanding doctoral theses Luís Ribeiro Luís Ribeiro awarded with the Prémio FCiências.ID for outstanding doctoral theses. The 2021 edition of the Prémio FCiências.ID recognizes the outstanding value of Luís Ribeiro's thesis "Transgressing boundaries? Jesuits, astrology and culture in Portugal (1590-1759)" See here the awardees from 2018.
Conferências CCCM 2022: Ásia
Nuno Vila-Santa presents “Um Império em Reforma? D. Sebastião e as Instruções para o Estado da Índia em 1572” Nuno Vila-Santa: Um Império em Reforma? D. Sebastião e as Instruções para o Estado da Índia em 1572 Nuno Vila_santa presents “Um Império em Reforma? D. Sebastião e as Instruções para o Estado da…
Tras el regresso – Impacto y trascencencia de la primera vuelta al mundo
Henrique Leitão presents “Mapas y longitud: la cuestión científica en la viaje de circunnavegación (1519-1522)” Henrique Leitão: Mapas y longitud: la cuestión científica en la viaje de circunnavegación (1519-1522) Henrique Leitão presents “Mapas y longitud: la cuestión científica en la viaje de circunnavegación (1519-1522)” at the conference series "Tras el regresso – Impacto…
Henrique Leitão appointed provost (Pró-Reitor) of the Universidade de Lisboa
Henrique Leitão was appointed provost (Pró-Reitor) of the Universidade de Lisboa. Henrique Leitão Henrique Leitão appointed provost (Pró-Reitor) of the Universidade de Lisboa. On 4 April 2022, Henrique Leitão was appointed provost (Pró-Reitor) of the Universidade de Lisboa. See here the rectory team.
Silvana Munzi – Best Poster Award
Silvana Munzi was awarded the best poster award at the 2022 MCAA conference Silvana Munzi Silvana Munzi was awarded the best poster award Silvana Munzi received the award for the best poster with the work "The office in the garden and other sustainable tales” in the category Environmental sustainability – Sustainable research practice – Economics"…