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“Academiae Mathematicae Oropesani Collegii.
La primera Academia jesuita de Matemáticas en España (ca.1610-1614)”

Henrique Leitão & José Maria Moreno Madrid

Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, (En prensa / Forthcoming)

“An unknown history of Portugal (c 1570) in William Cecil’s library: Commissioning and writing history during the Elizabethan era”

Nuno Vila-Santa

The Antiquaries Journal, first view, 1-29

“Diplomacia y humanismo: el embajador Jean Nicot y la rivalidad marítima franco-portuguesa (1559-1561)”

Nuno Vila-Santa

Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 80(1), 43–77

“Fighting for a Mare Clausum and Secret Science: France, England and Spain in the Strategies of Ambassador Dantas (1557-1568)”

Nuno Vila-Santa

Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia 23 (2), 1115-1151

“Reporting for a King: Valois France and Europe through the eyes of ambassador Dantas (1557-1568)”

Nuno Vila-Santa

Culture & History Digital Journal, 12(1), e010

“Book Review: Matteo Valleriani, Giulia Giannini, and Enrico Giannetto, eds., Scientific Visual Representations in History. Cham: Springer, 2023. 360pp. ISBN: 978-3-031-11316-1”

Juan Acevedo

HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology, 17(1), 59-61

“Al-Mahrī’s Mir’at al-salak li-kurat al-aflak: A 16th-century Yemeni Navigator’s Reflections on Astronomical Knowledge”

Eric Staples, Juan Acevedo & Inês Bénard

Nouvelles Chroniques du manuscrit au Yémen, 16 (35), 96-120

“Il manuale di geografia dal Rinascimento all’età contemporanea. 2. Il Settecento tra continuità e innovazione”

David Salomoni

Nuova Secondaria XL, 7, 64-68

The Untold Story of Oceanic Pilot Bartolomeu Borges who Guided Jean Ribault to Florida in 1562: Document Transcription and Translation, Accompanied by an Historical Introduction

Nuno Vila-Santa

Terrae Incognitae

Nautical astrology: a forgotten early modern tradition

Luís Ribeiro

Annals of Science

“Il manuale di geografia dal Rinascimento all’età contemporanea. 1. Umanesimo e Riforma cattolica”

David Salomoni

Nuova Secondaria XL, 3, 66-70

“The stars in sixteenth-century nautical literature: a comparative study”

Inês Bénard

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 51 2022, 25-33.

Papers from the fifty-fourth meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held virtually on 2–4 and 9–11 July 2021

“The sixteenth-century Portuguese Suma Oriental and the Arab pilots: a comparative summa orientalis?”

Juan Acevedo

Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 51 2022, 1-5.

Papers from the fifty-fourth meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held virtually on 2–4 and 9–11 July 2021

“Teaching Geography – A never-ending dialogue between late antique and Renaissance Europe”

David Salomoni

After Constantine issue 2 (June 2022), pp. 2334.
ISSN 2732-8260

Nuno Da Silva’s Third Relation: An Unknown Report on Francis Drake’s Voyage (1577–1580)

José María Moreno Madrid & David Salomoni

Terrae Incognitae, 54:1, 64-82. DOI: 10.1080/00822884.2022.2048246

Le ‘Grand routier’ de Pierre Garcie dit Ferrande; instructions pour naviguer sur les mers du Ponant à la fin du Moyen Âge

José Manuel Malhão Pereira

Imago Mundi – The International Journal for the History of Cartography, 73, 2021

“Schooling the Discoveries. Jesuit Education Between Science and Geo-graphic Literacy in the Age of Iberian Expan-sion (15th-18th c.) – II”

David Salomoni & Henrique Leitão

EDUCAZIONE. Giornale di pedagogia critica, X, 2 (2021), pp. 732.
DOI: 10.14668/Educaz_10202

“Making a Global Image of the World: Science, Cosmography and Navigation in Times of the First Circumnavigation of Earth, 1492-1522”

Antonio Sánchez

Culture & History Digital Journal 10(2), December 2021, e014e


“Circulation and Contacts in Sixteenth Century New Cartography: Spain, Portugal and Italy”

José María Moreno Madrid

Culture & History Digital Journal 10(2), December 2021, e015

“A New Arabic Nautical Manuscript in Lisbon”

Juan Acevedo

Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, 7, 1-28.

DOI 10.25592/uhhfdm.9621

“Jan Huygen van Linschoten and the Reys-gheschrift: updating Iberian Science for the Dutch expansion”

Nuno Vila-Santa

Historical Research, htab025

“Schooling the Discoveries. Jesuit Education Between Science and Geo-graphic Literacy in the Age of Iberian Expansion (15th-18th c.)”

David Salomoni, Henrique Leitão

EDUCAZIONE Giornale di Pedagogia Critica, X (1), pp. 7-34.

“Ciencia y patronazgo real en el imperio español del siglo XVII: Fray Ignacio Muñoz y su Propuesta de trabajo en Artes Náuticas”

José María Moreno Madrid

Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 78(1), 45–78.

“Par-de-tūsĪ: entre a astronomia Árabe e a Coperniciana”

Inês Bénard

Gazeta de Matemática 192, 47-50

“Alonso de Chaves y el Espejo de navegantes”

Antonio Sánchez

La Armada española (III). El Atlántico, siglo XVI Desperta Ferro Especiales

Desperta Ferro Ediciones

Especial XXII: La Armada española (III). El Atlántico, siglo XVI

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