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Early modern nautical rutters (sailing directions) are the earliest Western documents that testify to the stable and regular lived experience of traversing the earth’s oceans on a global, planetary scale.

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Transcrição do André Pires (manuscrito francês) – Digital Edition

Transcrição do André Pires (manuscrito francês) The digital editions of the "Transcrição do André Pires (manuscrito francês)" is now available on our digital library. Explore

Review of “Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th–17th Centuries)”

Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th–17th Centuries) By Wolfgang Köberer Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe: Maritime Diplomacy, Espionage, and Nautical Science in the Early Modern World (15th–17th Centuries) Read Wolfgang Köberer's full review of the book "Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe:…

Pablo de Felipe

RUTTER seminar “Flattening the Medieval Earth, from the medieval debate on the antipodes to the modern invention of medieval flat-earthers" Pablo de Felipe "Flattening the Medieval Earth, from the medieval debate on the antipodes to the modern invention of medieval flat-earthers" Probably everyone has heard at some point the old story on how Columbus’ contemporaries…

Pablo de Felipe

RUTTER seminar “Reijer Hooykaas, A 20th Century Dutch Historian among 15th Century Portuguese Navigators" Pablo de Felipe "Reijer Hooykaas, A 20th Century Dutch Historian among 15th Century Portuguese Navigators" Reijer Hooykaas (1906-1994), a Chemist by training, showed his interest in the history of science with a PhD thesis on the history of the concept of…

From Allies to Rivals: Portuguese Maritime Espionage in England, 1551–1559

From Allies to Rivals: Portuguese Maritime Espionage in England, 1551–1559 The English Historical Review Nuno Vila-Santa "From Allies to Rivals: Portuguese Maritime Espionage in England, 1551–1559" Using an unstudied set of diplomatic instructions given by the Portuguese kings to their ambassadors, spies and agents sent to Tudor England between 1553 and 1559, this article seeks…

Nuno Castel-Branco

RUTTER seminar “Focused Interdisciplinarity: The Liberal Arts and the Making of Nicolaus Steno’s Anatomy, Geology, and Theology" Nuno Castel-Branco "Focused Interdisciplinarity: The Liberal Arts and the Making of Nicolaus Steno’s Anatomy, Geology, and Theology" This talk explores the concept of "focused interdisciplinarity" through the life and work of Nicolaus Steno (1638–1686), a seventeenth-century anatomist whose…

Five Centuries of Maritime Culture and Artisanal Epistemology

Five Centuries of Maritime Culture and Artisanal Epistemology Asclepio Antonio Sánchez, Henrique Leitão, José María Moreno Madrid "Dosier: Cinco siglos de cultura marítima y epistemología artesanal" This dossier includes four papers authored by members of the Rutter team, contributing to the exploration of maritime traditions and the epistemological frameworks of artisanal knowledge across five centuries.…

Nuno Vila-Santa

Nuno Vila-Santa's book "Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe" won the Admiral Teixeira da Mota Prize 2024 from the Portuguese Navy Academy.   Nuno Vila-Santa Last great achievement of the RUTTER project in 2024: Nuno Vila-Santa's book "Knowledge Exchanges between Portugal and Europe" won the Admiral Teixeira da Mota Prize 2024 from the Portuguese Navy…


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