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International Symposium on Jesuit Studies – Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History

Luís Ribeiro and David Salomoni speakers at the conference “INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON JESUIT STUDIES – Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History”.

11-13 June 2024, Boston College

International Symposium on Jesuit Studies – Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History

Luís Ribeiro and David Salomoni speakers at the conference “INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON JESUIT STUDIES – Renovatio Mundi: The Jesuits as Educators in History” in the panel B: Jesuit Pedagogy in Progress: Geography, Medicine, Astrology.

The Society of Jesus and the Rise of Geography Teaching
– David Salomoni

Oddity or Scientific Endeavour? Astrology as Part of Jesuit Mathematical Teaching
– Luís Ribeiro

11-13 June 2024, Boston College


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