RUTTER book review n.15
The Venetian Discovery of America: Geographic Imagination and Print Culture in the Age of Encounters By David Salomoni
The Venetian Discovery of America: Geographic Imagination and Print Culture in the Age of Encounters By David Salomoni
Estudos da história da Náutica e das navegações de alto-mar (4 vols) By Juan Acevedo
Why North is Up: Maps Conventions and Where They Come From By Silvana Munzi
The Indies of the Setting Sun: How Early Modern Spain Mapped the Far East as the Transpacific West by David Salomoni
Roteiros e rotas portuguesas no Oriente nos séculos XVI e XVII by Luana Giurgevich
Empires of the Sea. Maritime Networks in World History by Nuno Vila-Santa
A Maritime Lexicon Arabic Nautical Terminology in the Indian Ocean by Juan Acevedo