Past Members and Interns

Thomas Horst
He studied History and Anthropology at the Universities of Munich and Vienna. His main areas of interest include the history of early modern science (in particular cosmography: maps, atlases, globes, instruments and texts), climate history, the history of the relations between Portugal and Germany in the Early Modern Period as well as cultural history and anthropology.
Fabiano Bracht
He obtained a PhD in History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto . His research interests include History of Medicine, Pharmacy and Natural Sciences within the construction and circulation of scientific knowledge. Currently, he is a Researcher and Science Communication Manager at REMA – Faculty of Arts, University of Porto.

Brian Nickel
Master student
15 March 2023 – 31 December 2023
Brian Nickel is a second-year master’s student at the University of Strasbourg specializing in European history. His research focuses on the early-modern Hispanic monarchy through the lens of the history of science and technology.
Leonor Pedro
Master Student
1 September 2022 – 30 June 2023
Undergraduate student in Mathematics at the Faculty of Science of the Universidade de Lisboa with a Minor in History and Philosophy of Science. She has a particular interest in Photography and Philosophy as well as in the relation between Science and Art.

Miguel Moço
IT Specialist
1 September 2022 – 30 June 2023
Miguel Moço is a Multimedia Technician. He is interested in cultural heritage preservation and practices that ensure a broader accessibility through digital techniques.
Maria Gomes
Master student
1 December 2022 – 31 May 2023
Maria Gomes majored in Philosophy, minored in Classics, and is currently finishing her M.Sc. in History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Lisbon, with a dissertation about the Russian sources on the life and work of the eighteenth-century physician Ribeiro Sanches. She has an interdisciplinary and plurilinguistic approach to research, allying Russian Studies, Classics, Philosophy, and History of Science.

Francisco Belo
Fellow Intern
1 October 2021 – 31 May 2022
Graduated in Molecular and Cell Biology at the Nova School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA), he finished his Master’s in Biomedical Sciences t the IHMT – NOVA in 2021. His main areas of interest are microbial evolution, antimicrobial resistance, entomology, and ornithology but he’s fascinated by the History of Biology and Medicine and the relationship between science and religion.
Maria Rocha
Fellow Intern
1 February 2022 – 31 May 2022
Graduated in Liberal Arts by the University of Lisbon. She is interested in Art Teory and Teory of Literature – especially from the early modern to the contemporary age.

Madalena Wengorovius
Fellow Intern
1 February – 31 May 2022
Graduated in General Studies from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, with a specialization in Literary Studies and another in History and Philosophy of Sciences. She has a particular fascination for Classical Antiquity, especially Latin literature, history and language, but also for the relationship between science and religion.
Pê Feijó
Fellow Intern
15 June 2021 – 15 October 2021
She is a Lisbon-based writer, scholar, and militant who’s concerned with monstrosity as theory and praxis of embodied minority politics (namely crip, cuir, decolonial, and class struggles). Her MPhil in History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science, Technology and Medicine, from the University of Cambridge, focused on witchcraft and the Portuguese Inquisition. Feijó is currently doing a PhD in Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley.

Alice Sanches
Fellow Intern
1 December 2020 – 31 March 2021
Master Student
Graduated in Communication Sciences from NOVA University of Lisbon and currently doing a Master’s Degree in the same area, specializing in Contemporary Culture and New Technologies. Her areas of interest include aesthetics and art theory, visual culture, epistemology, history of ideas and communication of science.
José Candeias
Fellow Intern
1 December 2020 – 31 March 2021
Master Student
Graduated in Communication Science from the NOVA University of Lisbon, he is currently pursuing a master’s degree in the same scientific area and university. Among his areas of interests are cultural history, history of ideas and the relationship between technology, ideas and narratives.

Miguel C. Fernandes
Fellow Intern
1 September – 31 December 2020
Master Student
Graduated in Applied Mathematics and Computation by Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, he is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Medieval History at NOVA University of Lisbon. His main interests are medieval European intellectual, cultural and religious history, visual culture and materiality.
Tiago Rocha e Mello
Fellow Intern
1 September – 31 December 2020
Master Student
Graduated in History from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, he’s starting a master in Military History at the same faculty. Classical and Pre-Classical times are his main focus, however he has always been fascinated by the Discoveries and the History of the Maritime Empires.

Pedro Louro
Fellow Intern
15 June – 30 July 2020
Bachelor Student
An undergraduate in History at the University of Utrecht, he is currently specialising in Cultural History. His interests are focused on cultural heritage, archives, and post-colonial studies.
Débora Albuquerque
Fellow Intern
1-30 July 2020
PhD Student
Finished her Integrated Master’s in Biological Engineering at IST – Lisbon University (2017). In 2018, she was a research fellow at INESC-MN where she continued to work on the detection of various bioanalytes using the magnetoresistive platform. She participated in two European RISE projects, MAGNAMED and IPANEMA. Currently, she is enrolled in AIM Doctoral Program at INESC-MN, developing a portable device for the diagnosis of viral infections.

Rodolfo Cunha
Fellow Intern
1-30 july 2020
Secondary school Student
Finishing the 12th grade of the Language and Humanities course at the Secondary School “Romeu Correia”. Great enthusiast about history, he speaks, beside Portuguese, English, german and French.